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Étiquette : ambition

Insight #99

Zhang Daqian, insight, coaching, mountains
ZHANG Daqian – Falaise bleue et vieil arbre, c. 1965 – Encre sur papier, 59.8 x 83.5 cm

« Tout sommet de montagne est à votre portée. Il vous suffit de continuer à grimper. »

« Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing. »

― Barry Finlay


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Insight #98

doug aitken, dream, insight, coaching
Doug AITKEN – Glass Barrier, 2003 – Tirage couleur monté sur plexiglass, 121.5 x 157.3 cm


« Ceux qui rêvent éveillés ont conscience de mille choses qui échappent à ceux qui ne rêvent qu’endormis. »

“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.

― Edgar Allan Poe


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Insight #56

orphee-mort-jean-delville-1893- insight-coaching-art-dream
Jean DELVILLE – Orphée mort, 1893 – Huile sur toile, 79.3 x 99.2 cm


“Ne renoncez jamais à un rêve juste à cause du temps qu’il faudra pour l’accomplir. Le temps passera de toute façon.”

“Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.

― Earl Nightingale


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Are CEO’s Different?

Giorgio DE CHIRICO – Self-portrait, 1922 – Huile sur toile, 384 x 510mm.


A research carried out amongst 2,600 executives by Steven N. Kaplan at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and Morten Sorensen at Copenhagen Business School using data collected during more than ten years shows that candidates for C-suite positions (CEO, CFO, COO and others) can be classified by four primary factors: general ability, execution skills, charisma and strategic skills.

Interestingly, researchers observed that CEO candidates tend to score higher on all four of these factors but also that hired candidates score higher than all assessed candidates on interpersonal skills (for each job category) suggesting that such skills are important in the selection process.

Scores on the four factors also predict future career progression. Non-CEO candidates who score higher on the four factors are subsequently more likely to become CEOs.

Those results are relevant to previous academic work. So, if your ambition is to lead a company it will be useful to consider a self-assessment based on the 30 characteristics* componing the four predictive factors. This will help you find out if your profile ‘fits’ or if working on yourself on specific dimensions is recommended.


* Develops People, Removes Underperformers, Respect, Efficiency, Network, Flexible, Integrity, Organization, Calm, Aggressive, Fast, Commitments, Brainpower, Analytical Skills, Strategic Vision, Creative etc.


Source : Social Science Research Network


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Insight #31

Cedric-Lefebvre-insight-coaching, identity


“Il n’est jamais trop tard pour être ce que vous auriez pu être.”

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”

― George Eliot

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Insight #22

Cedric-Lefebvre-insight-coaching, perspective
photo © cedric lefebvre


« La route ne finit jamais…  seule notre vue a des limites »

“The road never ends … only our vision does.”

― Amit Reddy


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