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Étiquette : Auschwitz

About classical music, leadership and the last words we could ever say

Picasso-violon-feuille-de-musique-insight-coaching-art, leadership
Pablo PICASSO – Violon et feuille de musique, 1912 – Papiers et partition musicale collés sur carton, gouache, 78 x 65 cm


Conductor of The Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, teacher and speaker, Benjamin Zander gave this energising talk about the transformative power of classical music.

Video in English, sous-titres français.

 Beyond these views, I caught two brilliant quotes that explains what leadership is and also how careful we should use words:

« I realized my job was to awaken possibility in other people. And of course, I wanted to know whether I was doing that. How do you find out? You look at their eyes. If their eyes are shining, you know you’re doing it. »

« I learned this from a woman who survived Auschwitz, one of the rare survivors. She went to Auschwitz when she was 15 years old. And … And her brother was eight, and the parents were lost. And she told me this, she said, « We were in the train going to Auschwitz, and I looked down and saw my brother’s shoes were missing. I said, ‘Why are you so stupid, can’t you keep your things together for goodness’ sake?' » The way an elder sister might speak to a younger brother. Unfortunately, it was the last thing she ever said to him, because she never saw him again. He did not survive. And so when she came out of Auschwitz, she made a vow. She told me this. She said, « I walked out of Auschwitz into life and I made a vow. And the vow was, ‘I will never say anything that couldn’t stand as the last thing I ever say.’ Now, can we do that? No. And we’ll make ourselves wrong and others wrong. But it is a possibility to live into. »

By the way, what is the last thing you said?


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