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Étiquette : dopamine

Why boredom is actually good for you

boredom, insight, coaching, sandi mann
Video produced by BBC Reel


Many people believe there is no benefit to boredom, but it is a very important emotion, according to the UK psychologist and author Sandi Mann.

In this brief animation, the UK psychologist and author Sandi Mann explores how embracing boredom and letting our minds wander can get us to step off the ever-accelerating hedonic treadmill, and might even encourage creativity.

« Boredom is a really important emotion. When you’re bored you tend to daydream and your mind wanders, and this is a very very important part of the process and this is something we can apply to our day-to-day lives because if you find that you’re stuck on a problem or you’re really worried about something and you can’t seem to find a way out, just be bored and let your mind wander and you might just find that creative solution will pop into your head.

So one way that we can really embrace boredom in our lives is to stop swiping and scrolling our boredom away. So what we tend to do is when we’ve got a bit of downtime is that we get our phones immediately or our devices out. We’re sort of afraid of boredom we’re afraid to let boredom into our lives. We get a dopamine hit from new and novel experiences and of course everything that is stimulating is new and novel, and so the more we have the more we need. And this kind of lowers the threshold for boredom.

So paradoxically the way to deal with boredom is to allow more of it into our life. So put your phones away and just let yourself be and let your mind wander. That’s really important so that you can get used to it and you can learn to manage it yourself. »


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Tips to Read More Books This Year

balthus, reading, books, read
BALTHUS – Katia lisant, 1974 – Huile sur toile, 210 x 180 cm


The Canadian author Neil Pasricha presented in an article written for Harvard Business Review 8 ways to increase the number of books you read. Here they are, summarised:

  • Centralise reading in your home… and get away from the dopamine addictive provider TV is.
  • Make a public commitment… using social influence as a constructive tool.
  • Find a few trusted, curated lists… to find your way amongst the thousands of books published every month. Get inspired and inspire others.
  • Change your mindset about quitting… as this will empower you. And keep in mind the first five pages test” before you buy any book. « No pain no gain » is meaningless here.
  • Take a “news fast” and channel your reading dollars… to concentrate your budget on what is worth it and optimise your ROI.
  • Triple your churn rate. Consider your bookshelf as a living organism, add and reorganise books you love, remove the others, play with them and enjoy it. 
  • Read physical books… as this will visually support your own evolution on top of protecting you from the inevitable lapses in concentration that would occur with electronic devices… And protecting you from additional useless dopamine.
  • Reapply the 10,000 steps rule. A marathon always starts with the first millimeter. It’s the same with reading, page after page.

Rebecca Temsen from Self Development Secrets also encourage readers to increase their bookshelf turnover and to maintain a reading list. She also suggests two other tips:

  • Make your reading more social as sharing will make you grow.
  • Consider audiobooks to stimulate other senses and e-books for their convenience and the potential access they give to a larger library.

Happy reading!

PS: By the way, what is the book you you most enjoyed recently? Mine is The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt.




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La dopamine, les réseaux sociaux et internet

Paul Delvaux, insight, coaching, dopamine, plaisir
Paul DELVAUX – Paysage aux lanternes, 1958 – Huile sur panneau, 120 x 156,5 cm


La dopamine est un est un neurotransmetteur synthétisé dans divers endroits de notre cerveau. Elle intervient notamment dans la motivation, nous poussant à chercher et chercher encore jusqu’à ce que nous trouvions l’objet de notre désir ou atteignons notre objectif. Elle nous rend curieux, nous pousse à la recherche d’informations dans un comportement visant à l’efficacité. Combinée au système opioïde endogène, elle intervient donc dans la chimie du plaisir comme dans celle de la survie de l’individu et donc de l’espèce.

Ceci dit, il semblerait que le système dopaminergique est plus puissant que le système opioïde, faisant de la recherche du plaisir un élément plus important que le plaisir en soi. Ainsi, pour l’être humain, chercher de la nourriture importe plus que se sustenter ou, autrement dit, avoir ses sens en alerte booste davantage que de contenter ceux-ci. On pourra parler de tendance à l’addiction ou d’impossible satiété.

Cet apparent paradoxe est poussé à l’extrême par les nouvelles technologies et internet. En effet, la plupart d’entre nous ont la chance d’échapper au devoir de quête de nourriture pour leur survie. Par contre, le besoin d’informations, de contacts, d’achat immédiat, de réponses ou de découverte est quant à lui renforcé par les médias sociaux de façon générale et nos smartphones en particulier. En fidèles compagnons omniprésents, ceux-ci procurent la satisfaction immédiate de ces besoins et sont une perche tendue à de nouvelles explorations, stimulant la production quasi continue de dopamine.

Lorsque l’on sait que l’exposition à un événement imprévu stimule également la production de dopamine, nous comprenons l’impact des alertes, pop-ups, sonneries et autres notifications apparaissant à nos écrans. Une stimulation en appelle une autre, puis une autre et encore une autre, aliénant la conscience et la prise de recul. Peu importe que l’on trouve tant que l’on cherche en une quête insatiable ou le plaisir devient impossible.

Comment sortir de ce cercle infernal ? Et si vous commenciez par régler les paramètres de votre smartphone et limitiez les alertes… pour commencer !


Sources :, National Center for Biotechnology Information


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