« Tout est bruit pour qui a peur. »
“To him who is in fear everything rustles.”
― Sophocle
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For a Flourishing Career, Life and Business
« Tout est bruit pour qui a peur. »
“To him who is in fear everything rustles.”
― Sophocle
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“Ne soyez pas effrayé; notre destin ne peut nous être enlevé; c’est un cadeau.”
“Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.”
― Dante Alighieri
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Nancy Duarte and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic designed a short test allowing you to assess how comfortable you are with public speaking which tops the list of common phobias, ranking just above fear of death.
Your answers to these 24 scale questions will highlight what issues you can address and will also suggest you tips to manage your emotional response and become a more effective presenter, given your answers in six key areas: confidence in expertise, extraversion vs. introversion, ability to empathise, self-esteem, optimism vs. pessimism and response to perceived threats.
To start the test, click here.
Source: hbr.org
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“Je peins des tableaux qui n’existent pas et que je voudrais voir.”
“I paint pictures which do not exist and which I would like to see.”
― Leonor Fini
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« On peut aisément pardonner à l’enfant qui a peur de l’obscurité; la vraie tragédie de la vie, c’est lorsque les hommes ont peur de la lumière. »
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
― Platon
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