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Catégorie : In English

Insight #52

Ludolf-BACKHUYSEN-marine-insight-coaching-art, learning, experience
Ludolf BACKHUYSEN – Marine et barques de pêche, XVIIème siècle – Huile sur toile, 84,5 x 97,3 cm


“On apprend l’eau par la soif; la mer par les terres qu’on passe.”

“Water is taught by thirst; land, by the oceans passed.”

― Emily Dickinson


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Procrastination, quand tu nous tiens…

Salvador DALI – La désintégration de la persistance de la mémoire, 1952-1954 – huile sur toile, 25.4 × 22 cm


Dans cette TED vidéo, Tim Urban, un homme, un singe et un monstre nous font voir la procrastination avec humour tout en nous rappelant que la vie passe sans que l’on en prenne véritablement conscience…

Procrastinateurs, nous le sommes tous à notre façon, certes à des degrés divers, que cela soit dû à notre éducation, au contexte socio-professionnel ou à des paramètres plus inconscients. Et à chaque cas, ses propres besoins et techniques permettant d’atteindre malgré tout ses objectifs avec son propre style. Gardez surtout à l’esprit que c’est l’absence de date butoir qui vous fera oublier cette tendance naturelle à reporter à demain ce qui ne vous passionne pas… avec pour risque de faire de vous l’observateur de votre propre vie.

Video in English, sous-titres disponibles en français.

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Insight #51

Leonor FINI – Ea, 1978 – Huile sur toile, 115 x 81cm


“Aime l’art en toi, et non pas toi-même dans l’art.”

“Love art in yourself, and not yourself in art.”

― Konstantin Stanislavski


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Insight #50

damien hirst, coaching, insight, solution
Damien HIRST – 1-Heptene, 2004-2011 – vernis sur toile, 335.3 x 355.6 cm


“Nous trouverons un chemin… ou nous en créerons un.”

“We will either find a way or make one.”

― Hannibal

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Self, fish

Egon SCHIELE – Gustav Klimt im blauen Malerkittel, 1913 – 48 x 32 cm


There existed a psychotherapist who believed that many of the problems people brought to him were characterized by the existence of ‘fish’ in their dreams.

One day a client came to him and was discussing the problems he had.

”Tell me,” said the psychotherapist, “did you dream last night?”

“I might have done,” replied the client.

“And tell me, in this dream was there a river?”

“I don’t think so,” replied the client.

“Well, was there any water, if not a river?”

“I guess there might have been.”

“And was there a pool on the ground?”

“I couldn’t be certain but it’s possible,” the client replied.

“And in this pool could there have been a fish?”

“I can’t rule out the possibility that there might have been a fish.”

“Aha!” said the psychotherapist. “I knew it!”


Source:, Sue Knight

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Insight #49

Gustav KLIMT – L’arbre de vie, 1905-1909 – Mosaïque exécutée en marbre, verre et pierres semi-précieuses par Leopold Forstner, 102 x 195 cm


“L’amour, c’est l’espace et le temps rendus sensibles au coeur.”

“Love is space and time measured by the heart.

― Marcel Proust


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Money, money, money… how not losing face if your proposal is rejected

Andy WARHOL – Dollar Sign, 1982 – Acrylique et encre à sérigraphie sur toile, 25,4 x 20,3 cm.


Judith White, Visiting Associate Professor of Management at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, proposes a very simple way to avoid having this painful feeling of being ashamed or even losing face when the outcome of a salary negociation is not as positive as expected (litotes intended).

She observed such emotions happen when proposals reflect the personal value or worth of the requester. Such connection is so strong that fear of losing face even motivates people to avoid a negotiation.

To overcome such a fear, she suggests to reframe the negotiation. Instead of visualising the drama that would happen in case of having a request denied, a solution is to think about how good would be the feeling coming from the fact that the conversation has been initiated. With other words, focus on the intention and the process, not on the outcome. Somehow, it’s a way to develop self-confidence, taking distance from others’ perception.

In any case, I would advise to systematically reflect on your emotions… and to accept them. Beyond that, look for learnings and unexpected benefits or convert emotions such as fear or stress into an opportunity to leverage your network for a centered leadership.




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Insight #48

Giorgio DE CHIRICO – Piazza (Souvenir d’Italie), 1925 – Huile sur toile, 60 x 73 cm


“Songez à ce moment capital dans l’architecture où les murs se séparent et la colonne apparaît.”

“Consider the momentous event in architecture when the wall parted and the column became.”

― Louis Kahn


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Insight #47

Gerhard RICHTER – Eisberg im Nebel (Iceberg dans la brume), 1982 – Huile sur toile, 70 cm x 100 cm.


“Il n’y a pas de hasard, il n’y a que des rendez-vous.”

“There are no coincidences, only encounters.”

― Paul Eluard


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