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Catégorie : In English

Insight #75

michael borremans, the angel, insight, coaching, art-therapie, business coaching, career coaching, authenticity
Michael BORREMANS – The Angel, 2013 – Huile sur toile, 300 x 200 cm


“Nul homme ne peut pendant très longtemps se montrer un visage à lui-même et en présenter un autre au reste du monde sans finir par s’y perdre et se demander lequel des deux est le vrai.

“No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.”

― Nathaniel Hawthorne


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Insight #74

KOBAYASHI Kiyochika, pescadores, insight, coaching, nature
KOBAYASHI Kiyochika – Our Elite Forces Capturing the Pescadores Islands in Taiwan, 1894 – Estampe, encre et papier, 35.5 x 71.4 cm


“Un lac est la plus belle et la plus expressive particularité d’un paysage. C’est l’oeil de la Terre, dans lequel l’observateur mesure la profondeur de sa propre nature.

“A lake is a landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature. It is Earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.”

― Henry David Thoreau


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Insight #73

bernard-buffet-vingt_mille_lieues_sous_les_mers-le_poulpe_geant_insight, coaching, art-therapie, business coaching, career coaching, destin
Bernard BUFFET – Vingt mille lieues sous les mers – Le poulpe géant, 1989 – Huile sur toile, 233 x 309 cm


“Ne soyez pas effrayé; notre destin ne peut nous être enlevé; c’est un cadeau.

“Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.”

― Dante Alighieri


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Assess Your Fear of Public Speaking

Johan VAN MULLEM - P13191, art, insight, coaching, fear
Johan VAN MULLEM – P13191, 2013 – Encre sur carton lisse, 100 x 140 cm

Nancy Duarte and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic designed a short test allowing you to assess how comfortable you are with public speaking which tops the list of common phobias, ranking just above fear of death.

Your answers to these 24 scale questions will highlight what issues you can address and will also suggest you tips to manage your emotional response and become a more effective presenter, given your answers in six key areas: confidence in expertise, extraversion vs. introversion, ability to empathise, self-esteem, optimism vs. pessimism and response to perceived threats.

To start the test, click here.




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Insight #72

Sam Francis, art, insight, coaching, interpretation
Sam FRANCIS – Sans titre, 1979 – acrylique et gouache sur papier, 29.2 x 37.5 cm


“Il n’y a pas de faits, seulement des interprétations.

“There are no facts, only interpretations.”

Friedrich Nietzsche


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Insight #71

magritte, coaching, existence
René MAGRITTE – Les valeurs personnelles, 1952 – 77,5 x 100 cm


“J’ai appris que mener une existence n’est pas la même chose que vivre.

“I’ve learned that making a ‘living’ is not the same thing as ‘making a life’.”

― Maya Angelou


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Insight #70

Leonor FINI - Portrait du Prince Hassan Aziz, art, insight, coaching, flowers
Leonor FINI – Portrait du Prince Hassan Aziz, 1951 – Huile sur toile, 60 x 45 cm


“Dans la joie comme dans la tristesse, les fleurs restent nos amies.

“In joy or sadness flowers are our constant friends.”

― Kakuzō Okakura


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Insight #69

Max ERNST, Arbre solitaire et arbres conjugaux, art, insight, coaching, vocation
Max ERNST – Arbre solitaire et arbres conjugaux, 1940 – Huile sur toile, 81.5 x 100.5 cm


“Telle est la vocation de l’homme : se délivrer de sa cécité.

“Such is the vocation of man: to free himself from his blindness.”

― Max Ernst


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Insight #68

Juan MIRO, Ceci est la couleur de mes rêves, art, insight, coaching, dreams, rêve
Juan MIRO – Ceci est la couleur de mes rêves, 1925 – Huile sur toile, 96.5 x 129.5 cm


“L’espoir est un rêve éveillé.

“Hope is a waking dream.”

― Aristote


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