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Étiquette : creativity

Why boredom is actually good for you

boredom, insight, coaching, sandi mann
Video produced by BBC Reel


Many people believe there is no benefit to boredom, but it is a very important emotion, according to the UK psychologist and author Sandi Mann.

In this brief animation, the UK psychologist and author Sandi Mann explores how embracing boredom and letting our minds wander can get us to step off the ever-accelerating hedonic treadmill, and might even encourage creativity.

« Boredom is a really important emotion. When you’re bored you tend to daydream and your mind wanders, and this is a very very important part of the process and this is something we can apply to our day-to-day lives because if you find that you’re stuck on a problem or you’re really worried about something and you can’t seem to find a way out, just be bored and let your mind wander and you might just find that creative solution will pop into your head.

So one way that we can really embrace boredom in our lives is to stop swiping and scrolling our boredom away. So what we tend to do is when we’ve got a bit of downtime is that we get our phones immediately or our devices out. We’re sort of afraid of boredom we’re afraid to let boredom into our lives. We get a dopamine hit from new and novel experiences and of course everything that is stimulating is new and novel, and so the more we have the more we need. And this kind of lowers the threshold for boredom.

So paradoxically the way to deal with boredom is to allow more of it into our life. So put your phones away and just let yourself be and let your mind wander. That’s really important so that you can get used to it and you can learn to manage it yourself. »


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How crucial is creativity to your business success?

Mikhail CHEMIAKIN, insight, coaching, creativity, success
Mikhail CHEMIAKIN – Portait de Valery Panov, 1979 – Huile sur toile, 106.5 x 106.5 cm


A study carried out amongst senior managers from corporations across a diverse set of industries by Forrester Consulting for Adobe investigated how creativity influences business outcomes.

This study found that companies embracing creativity outperform peers and competitors on various KPIs such as growth, market share and talent acquisition.

These are their key findings:

  • A paradox: despite the perceived benefits of creativity, 61% of companies do not see their companies as creative.
  • A motivation: more companies that foster creativity achieve exceptional revenue growth than peers. They also enjoy greater market share and competitive leadership. They also win recognition as a best place to work.
  • A clue: companies put creativity on the business agenda.
  • A tip: creativity thrives with leadership support.

For the full report, click here.

Check other articles about this topic and curiosity.


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How to spark creativity when you’re in a rut?

creativity, insight, coaching, art, paolo scheggi, innovation
Paolo SCHEGGI – Zone riflesse, 1963 – Acrylique blanc sur trois couches de toile, 80,5 x 80,5 x 5,5 cm


Priscillia Claman from Career Strategies Inc. presents five questions to identify if you are in a creativity-destroying rut and four strategies to be back on track.

  • Is there a recurring pattern to your workdays — what you do, whom you meet with?
  • Do you feel it is important to agree with your colleagues and bosses in order to get along?
  • Do you see obstacles everywhere to new ideas and new ways of doing things?
  • Do you find yourself saying, “That won’t work. It’s been tried too many times before.”
  • Do you think, “It doesn’t matter what I do, really. They don’t care.” Even when you’re not sure who “they” are.

 Answering ‘yes’ to the above questions highlights a situation where your creativity is undermined. 

Here are the work-related she suggests to let innovation flourish and your creativity raise again:

  • Think new. Meet new colleagues. Talk to new clients. Ask for new assignments. Explore something new — a new program, a new product, a new process. This is not just adding something to your CV; you will reinvent yourself.
  • Look for intersections. A lot of creativity occurs at the crossroads of different people and different ideas. Look for places where your department intersects with other departments. What do they do that helps your department? That gets in the way? Volunteer for any cross-functional activity you can. This will also enlarge your network.
  • Capitalize on obstacles as every obstacle is an opportunity for research, analysis and growth. Why is it there? Whom does it serve? What are its effects? What are other ways of getting the results you’re looking for? Start by selecting obstacles you can change, and move on from there. Then pick up obstacles which are in your influence zone and do the same.
  • Share what you know. Nothing makes you clarify your thoughts like sharing what you know, as a trainer, a mentor or just through daily working sessions. These opportunities are highly engaging and will fulfill you at an emotional level too.


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Insight #63

Leonor Fini, la passagère, dreams, insight, coaching, dreams
Leonor FINI – La passagère, 1964 – Huile sur toile, 50 x 33 cm


“Je peins des tableaux qui n’existent pas et que je voudrais voir.

“I paint pictures which do not exist and which I would like to see.”

― Leonor Fini


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What is your curiosity profile?

René MAGRITTE – Le prêtre marié, 1961 – Huile sur toile, 46 x 55 cm


Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Professor of Business Psychology at University College London, and a faculty member at Columbia University developed for Harvard Business Review a tool to quickly assess your curiosity, based on a more sophisticated survey by Hogan Assessments.

It will stack up against other test takers in three key areas: unconventionality, intellectual hunger, and experiential curiosity. It will also suggest creativity exercises, readings about agility and advices to get out of your comfort zone.

Click here to start the test.

For the ones of you who want to explore the much more complex concept of creativity in function of the context (measuring the individual, assessing the origin or influences of a work, using a strict program or assessing the cultural value of a work), you can read this very good synthesis.


If you want to know what your drivers are – according to the theory of transactional analysis – take the test here.


Source :,


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Insight #42

illumination, gandhara, coaching
A munumental grey schist figure of seated Buddha – Ancient region of Gandhara, Kushan period, first half of 3rd Century – 129 cm


“Ce qui s’étend derrière nous et ce qui s’étend devant nous sont peu de choses en comparaison avec ce qui se trouve en nous.”

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson


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Insight #34

victor horta, creation, schuiten, autrique, charm
Victor HORTA, la maison Autrique (1893) – François SCHUITEN, La théorie du grain de sable (2004) – Encre et acrylique sur papier


“S’il est exact que la logique est la base-même du raisonnement de tout créateur, je crois qu’il ne devrait pas être permis d’interférer avec son rêve de « charme », cette entité délicate et superflue qui souvent s’ajoute à la dure nécessité.”

“If it is correct that logic is the basis of the creator’s slightest reasoning, I believe it must not be allowed to interfere with one’s dream’s of ‘charm,’ that delicate, superfluous entity that often adds to harsh necessity.”

― Victor Horta


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