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Étiquette : job

What job is right for you?

TATANUA masks – Bismark archipelago – 49 cm and 45 cm

[Pour la version française de cet article, cliquez ici.]

The RIASEC model refers to a career and professional choices theory developed by the American psychologist John L. Holland (1919-2008).

Based on psychological types, it assumes that if we are aware of our personality, then we can choose a job that suits us and in which we can flourish. This approach is therefore relevant in the context of a career choice or a professional reorientation.

Six personality types in a professional context are identified, the first letter of which is the acronym RIASEC.

  1. Realistic: Need to be physically involved in what they do. Pragmatic, the Realistic types can take up challenges with skill and ingenuity.
  2. Investigator: Driven by a thirst for knowledge and knowledge, driven by intellectual values, they strive for excellence.
  3. Artistic: Wish to express emotions or thoughts through art forms. Dreamy, imaginative, intuitive, avoiding routine.
  4. Social: Attracted by activities that promote contact with others, especially to help them, motivated by respect for others and dedication.
  5. Entrepreneurial: Like to have responsibilities, overcome challenges in the hope of reaching the top. Ambitious and socially skilled.
  6. Conventional: Desire to respect standards, instructions and rules. Discreet, attentive, in search of security.

A 6-type model allows 720 combinations, but most of the tests highlight the three main key axes which, ordered by decreasing importance, are then associated with a set of professions.

To take the test online: click here

…and to explore a list of jobs according to the RIASEC profile, click here.

So, which job suits you best?


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Optimisez votre recherche d’emploi

insight, coaching, career, emploi, steve wheeler
Steve WHEELER – Panel of Joy, c. 1945 – Tempera et encre sur papier monté sur carton, 37.5 x 42 cm


Optimisez votre recherche d’emploi, nous ne le répéterons jamais assez. Voici 8 piliers pour vous soutenir.

  1. Réseau – En effet, 80% des emplois disponibles ne sont pas communiqués publiquement. Ouvrez les yeux, « réseautez », parlez, soyez ouvert, parlez autour de vous.
  2. Orthographe – Vérifiez la qualité du correcteur de votre ordinateur car les fautes de frappes sont disqualifiantes.
  3. Adaptation – Vos candidatures doivent être faites sur mesure pour les emplois que vous visez. Travaillez au cas par cas.
  4. Ponctualité – Soyez à l’heure aux interviews. Considérez le fait d’arriver à temps comme une façon de démontrer votre capacité à gérer un projet.
  5. Salaire – Soyez préparé à parler argent dès le premier entretien. Ceci facilitera d’éventuelles négociations.
  6. Savoir – Vous vous connaissez, alors connaissez l’entreprise dans laquelle vous voulez entrer. Montrer votre intérêt pour celle-ci.
  7. Honnêteté – Il est parfois tentant d’embellir la réalité. Ne sous-estimez pas l’étendue du réseau de vos interlocuteurs. La vérité pourrait faire surface et vous mettre hors-jeu sur le champ.
  8. Suivi – Plus que de la politesse, sans tomber dans le harcèlement. Démontrez votre envie d’obtenir cet emploi, et démarquez-vous des 37% de candidats qui ne le font pas.




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Are you in danger of becoming obsolete?



In a previous article we have seen that, little by little, robots replace humans: one recent study suggests that 47% of all jobs in the United States will be threatened by this phenomenon within the next two decades – another states that 40% of Australian jobs are at risk of being automated within ten to fifteen years. In Europe, the software Quill has already replaced journalists and is used by the newspaper Le Monde during election nights. The specialised research firm Roland Berger says that 42% of jobs will be automated by 2030. 

Should you be worried? Karie Willyerd and Barbara Mistick developed a short (i.e. 15 questions) assessment allowing you to find out if you are at risk or if you are adapting yourself in an evolving environment. Your score will be compared with HBR readers average.

To pass the test which will consider various topics such as how up to date you are regarding the emerging technologies affecting your industry and the profile of your network , click here.

Pursuing this matter, let’s consider what the futurists Graeme Codrington, Joe Tankersley and John Danaher say: front-line military personnel will be replaced with robots; private bankers and wealth managers will be replaced with algorithms; lawyers, accountants, actuaries, and consulting engineers will be replaced with artificial intelligence.

And considering on-demand economy, environmental consciousness, ageing population or advances in neurotechnology, what will be the top jobs in 10 years? Actually, here is the top 12 they predict (click here for the full description):

  • Personal worker brand coaches and managers
  • Professional triber
  • Freelance professors
  • Urban farmers
  • End-of-life planner
  • Senior carer
  • Remote health care specialist
  • Neuro-implant technicians
  • Smart-home handyperson
  • Virtual reality experience designer
  • Sex worker coach
  • 3-D printer design specialist

So, are you ready?





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Insight #30

Cedric-Lefebvre-insight-coaching, strategy


“Celui ou celle qui obtient le poste n’est pas nécessairement celui qui remplira le mieux la fonction mais bien celui ou celle qui sait le mieux comment l’obtenir.”

“He or she who gets hired is not necessarily the one who can do that job best; but, the one who knows the most about how to get hired.”

― Richard Lathrop


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