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The RIASEC model refers to a career and professional choices theory developed by the American psychologist John L. Holland (1919-2008).
Based on psychological types, it assumes that if we are aware of our personality, then we can choose a job that suits us and in which we can flourish. This approach is therefore relevant in the context of a career choice or a professional reorientation.
Six personality types in a professional context are identified, the first letter of which is the acronym RIASEC.
- Realistic: Need to be physically involved in what they do. Pragmatic, the Realistic types can take up challenges with skill and ingenuity.
- Investigator: Driven by a thirst for knowledge and knowledge, driven by intellectual values, they strive for excellence.
- Artistic: Wish to express emotions or thoughts through art forms. Dreamy, imaginative, intuitive, avoiding routine.
- Social: Attracted by activities that promote contact with others, especially to help them, motivated by respect for others and dedication.
- Entrepreneurial: Like to have responsibilities, overcome challenges in the hope of reaching the top. Ambitious and socially skilled.
- Conventional: Desire to respect standards, instructions and rules. Discreet, attentive, in search of security.
A 6-type model allows 720 combinations, but most of the tests highlight the three main key axes which, ordered by decreasing importance, are then associated with a set of professions.
To take the test online: click here.
…and to explore a list of jobs according to the RIASEC profile, click here.
So, which job suits you best?