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Étiquette : personality

What are your drivers? Take the online test!

transactional analysis, leonor fini, online test
Leonor FINI – L’abreuvoir de nuit, 1963 – Huile sur toile, 75 x 170 cm


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From ego states to life scenarios, Transactional Analysis (TA) developed by Canadian psychiatrist Eric Berne provides a theoretical framework to help us become aware of and understand what is happening in the here and now.

With this in mind, Taibi Kahler developed a model in the 1970s describing six personality types. These types correspond to combinations of characteristics related to needs, preferred communication channels, behaviour under stress and, above all, to five drivers (or working styles). These are five convictions that direct our behaviour under mild stress:

    • Be perfect
    • Be strong
    • Try hard
    • Please others
    • Hurry up

In this way, these five drivers are developed by each of us during childhood following the repetition of messages sent by the referring adults. These drivers correspond to what we identify as the behaviour we need to adopt to preserve our own safety. For example, a repetition of « You’re not nice! » will give the driver « Please others»  and « Aren’t you done yet? » will give « Hurry up ». Similarly, « Be a man, don’t cry » will lead to « Be strong », « Come on, try again » will lead to « Try hard », and « That’s good, but you could have done better » will lead to « Be perfect ».

However Claudie Ramond says that these drivers are not universal as Taibi Kahler said, but specific to the Western Christian world. In Asia, as in Muslim culture, the main binding message would be: « Be faithful » (to your family, your clan, your religion, etc.). And others would certainly exist.


The drivers, what for?

Universal or not, the drivers we developed in our childhood are useful when they allow us to interact with our environment and progress in the desired direction. In a professional setting, they can have beneficial effects for the subject as well as for the company if they are aligned with the position held.

However, these unconscious prisons, which are repetitive processes and sources of stress, can be disabling and lead us in the quest for unreachable ideal behaviour, undermining our self-esteem. They are then real mechanisms of self-sabotage of our own projects.

Thus, as soon as we identify and understand our drivers, and as soon as we can give ourselves permission (if it is not given to us by others), we can use them instead of being driven by them.


What are your drivers? Take the online test here!

In order to take the (free) online test and access your results immediately, click here.


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Insight #75

michael borremans, the angel, insight, coaching, art-therapie, business coaching, career coaching, authenticity
Michael BORREMANS – The Angel, 2013 – Huile sur toile, 300 x 200 cm


“Nul homme ne peut pendant très longtemps se montrer un visage à lui-même et en présenter un autre au reste du monde sans finir par s’y perdre et se demander lequel des deux est le vrai.

“No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.”

― Nathaniel Hawthorne


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Are CEO’s Different?

Giorgio DE CHIRICO – Self-portrait, 1922 – Huile sur toile, 384 x 510mm.


A research carried out amongst 2,600 executives by Steven N. Kaplan at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and Morten Sorensen at Copenhagen Business School using data collected during more than ten years shows that candidates for C-suite positions (CEO, CFO, COO and others) can be classified by four primary factors: general ability, execution skills, charisma and strategic skills.

Interestingly, researchers observed that CEO candidates tend to score higher on all four of these factors but also that hired candidates score higher than all assessed candidates on interpersonal skills (for each job category) suggesting that such skills are important in the selection process.

Scores on the four factors also predict future career progression. Non-CEO candidates who score higher on the four factors are subsequently more likely to become CEOs.

Those results are relevant to previous academic work. So, if your ambition is to lead a company it will be useful to consider a self-assessment based on the 30 characteristics* componing the four predictive factors. This will help you find out if your profile ‘fits’ or if working on yourself on specific dimensions is recommended.


* Develops People, Removes Underperformers, Respect, Efficiency, Network, Flexible, Integrity, Organization, Calm, Aggressive, Fast, Commitments, Brainpower, Analytical Skills, Strategic Vision, Creative etc.


Source : Social Science Research Network


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Insight #35

Vladimir Velickovic (Paris, 2011)


“Qui cherche l’infini n’a qu’à fermer les yeux !”

“If you’re looking for infinity, just close your eyes!”

― Milan Kundera


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