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Étiquette : salaire

Build your external reputation

serge poliakoff, composition, reputation
Serge POLIAKOFF – Composition, 1956 – Huile sur toile, 96.7 x 130.2 cm


According to Wharton management professor Matthew Bidwell, external hires are initially paid 18% to 20% more than the promoted workers. It also seems they have higher levels of experience and education and have higher exit rates. This would mean that a recruitment strategy based on seductive higher salaries is efficient to attract brains and does not generate loyalty.

On top of that, those newcomers get significantly lower performance evaluations for their first two years on the job than do their colleagues who are promoted into similar functions.

Consequently we could also conclude that professionals are often taken for granted by their own organizations. Not really motivating, isn’t it? From a more dynamic perspective, we would conclude that – whatever the career plan you may have – it is important to cultivate a strong external reputation so that you can leverage opportunities when you want.





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Money, money, money… how not losing face if your proposal is rejected

Andy WARHOL – Dollar Sign, 1982 – Acrylique et encre à sérigraphie sur toile, 25,4 x 20,3 cm.


Judith White, Visiting Associate Professor of Management at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, proposes a very simple way to avoid having this painful feeling of being ashamed or even losing face when the outcome of a salary negociation is not as positive as expected (litotes intended).

She observed such emotions happen when proposals reflect the personal value or worth of the requester. Such connection is so strong that fear of losing face even motivates people to avoid a negotiation.

To overcome such a fear, she suggests to reframe the negotiation. Instead of visualising the drama that would happen in case of having a request denied, a solution is to think about how good would be the feeling coming from the fact that the conversation has been initiated. With other words, focus on the intention and the process, not on the outcome. Somehow, it’s a way to develop self-confidence, taking distance from others’ perception.

In any case, I would advise to systematically reflect on your emotions… and to accept them. Beyond that, look for learnings and unexpected benefits or convert emotions such as fear or stress into an opportunity to leverage your network for a centered leadership.




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Le salaire oui… mais pas seulement

Vladimir VELICKOVIC – Montée / Descente, 1990 – Acrylique et collage – 40 x 28.5 cm


Il n’y a pas que le salaire qui motive. C’est ce que démontre une récente étude menée par Kelton pour Cornerstone auprès de 2.000 Américains et 546 DRH de moyennes et grandes entreprises.

Quelques insights parmi d’autres :

  • 89% envisageraient un changement professionnel latéral sans incentive salarial, un taux montant à 94% chez les Millenials. Leur principal critère : davantage de satisfaction personnelle.
  • 77% souhaiteraient une relocalisation et 61% d’entre eux seraient même prêts à quelques sacrifices pour une opportunité de travailler à l’étranger, y compris travailler une demi-heure de plus chaque jour.
  • Seuls 4% des personnes interviewées restent chez leur employeurs en raison de leur salaire ou d’autres avantages et compensations… contre 19% pour l’équilibre vie privée-vie professionnelle qu’ils y trouvent ou tout simplement une évolution de carrière satisfaisante.

Parallèlement, dans une étude menée par LinkedIn, si 50% des personnes ayant rejoint une entreprise de moins de 500 personnes l’ont fait pour le salaire qu’elles ont pu y obtenir, l’impact de la fonction, l’adhésion à la culture de l’entreprise et la vision de celle-ci eurent tout autant d’importance dans leur choix.




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