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Insight #64

William TURNER - The Slave Ship, love, sun, insight, coaching
William TURNER – The Slave Ship, 1840 – Huile sur toile, 91 x 123 cm


“Aimer et être aimé, c’est sentir le soleil des deux côtés.

“To love and to be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.”

― David Viscott


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Insight #63

Leonor Fini, la passagère, dreams, insight, coaching, dreams
Leonor FINI – La passagère, 1964 – Huile sur toile, 50 x 33 cm


“Je peins des tableaux qui n’existent pas et que je voudrais voir.

“I paint pictures which do not exist and which I would like to see.”

― Leonor Fini


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18 Reasons You Should Start Looking for Another Job

Antoni-Tapies-Nocturn-Matinal-insight-coaching-art, job
Antoni TAPIES – Nocturn matinal (bk. w/25 works) , 1970 – gravure sur papier, 47 x 34 cm


In an article published in 2015, Time highlighted the fact it’s time to looking for another job because hiring is way up, because open positions are way up as well and because employees are feeling more confident about quitting.

On the other hand, Forbes claimed 5 reasons why you should always be looking for another job: loyalty doesn’t pay, things can change quickly, it keeps you top of mind, every conversation is worthwhile and it will help clarify what you want and… what you don’t wat.

True, and what about the personal reasons to quit? John Rampton presents 18 very pertinent reasons you should start looking for another job.

1. You’re always bored.

2. You’re constantly left out in the cold.

3. The work doesn’t come naturally.

4. Feeling frustrated over your personal goals.

5. You aren’t being utilized properly.

6. You get the cold shoulder from your boss.

7. You receive poor feedback.

8. The company doesn’t « jibe with your life’s goals and values » (and we can add: people you respect are fired, people are no longer valued)

9. Less work is coming down the pipeline (and also retention and development programs are cut, previous advancement opportunities are blocked)

10. You don’t fit in.

11. You’re not that desperate for a paycheck.

12. You’ve got a horrible boss or he doesn’t understand the business

13. You’re easily overwhelmed.

14. You don’t talk about your job or company.

15. Your work-life balance is off (and this includes the location)

16. You don’t feel challenged.

17. You can’t be authentic.

18. You can’t envision yourself here any longer than a year.

So, what would you say about your current job?




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Insight #62

Miquel BARCELO – Pinassi, 1991 – Techniques mixes sur toile, 198 x 298 cm


“Il faut donner du temps au temps.”

“It will not be amiss to give time to time.

― Miguel de Cervantès, Don Quichote


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Insight #61

Klimt-art-insight-coaching, identity, self-awareness
Gustav KLIMT – Dame mit Muff, 1916 – Huile sur toile, 50 x 50 cm


“Il nous faut oser être nous-mêmes, tout effrayant ou étrange que cela puisse se révéler.

“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.”

― May Sarton


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Insight #60

Alfons-Mucha-insight-coaching-art, light
Alfons MUCHA – La lune et les étoiles, 1901 – Lithographie avec rehauts d’or, chacune 80 x 30,5 cm


“Ne me dites pas que la lune brille. Montrez-moi le reflet de sa lueur sur un verre brisé.”

“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.

― Anton Chekhov


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Insight #59

Raoul-Dufy-le-violon-bleu-insight-coaching-art, musique, violon, music
Raoul DUFY – Le violon bleu, 1946 – gouache, aquarelle et encre, 50.8 x 67.7 cm


“Si la musique est la pâture de l’amour,
Jouez encore, donnez-m’en jusqu’à l’excès
En sorte que ma faim gavée languisse et meure

“If music be the food of love, play on,
Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken, and so die.

― William Shakespeare


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Insight #58

Caravaggio-Meduse-Medusa-insight-coaching-art, colère, hatred, anger
Michelangelo CARAVAGGIO – Tête de Méduse – Huile sur toile montée sur bois – 1598, 60 x 55 cm (gauche) – 1596, 48 x 55 cm (droite)


“La haine et la colère sont le plus grand poison du bonheur et de l’esprit.”

“Hatred and anger are the greatest poison to the happiness of a good mind.”

― Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments


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Insight #57

Hokusai-Irises, flowers, joy, nature
Katsushika HOKUSAI – Iris, c. 1814 – Impression polychrome sur papier, 22.3 x 34 cm


“La terre rit avec des fleurs.”

“The earth laughs in flowers.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson


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